Monday, 10 May 2010

ANCILLARY TASKS; evaluation of final website.

Overall I feel that my website really achieved what I set out to achieve, I really perfer this website to the other one. It maintains a distinctly more mature approach to the artist and really shows that it's apart of the "grime" genre, by the creation of my animated title, which was created in Animation Shop, which seems to really promote the grime style. The "bling"ness of the title allows the audience to immeadiately identify the genre of the website. I created new rollovers using effects from Paint Shop Pro called "Sunburst," which I used as one of the rollovers when the audience actually clicks the link. I also completed all pages in the website. They were a little rushed because the home page took me a while to create and be completely happy with so the other pages aren't as good. That's the main thing I'd change, if I had more time I could properly have designed the other pages which were "News, Events & Switchy B." Otherwise I am really happy with my overall website design. :)

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