Monday 10 May 2010

ANCILLARY TASKS; website border and background designs.

By using my first draft, I was able to create this through using paint. I decided on making the lines separating the frames thicker as I felt it kept more with the grime theme, I also gave each corner a different colour, just to add to decorative effect. I think the grey and black theme works well, and it definitly ties in with the overall theme of grime.
The corner was simple and very easy to contruct. I used different shades near the ends of the frames to create a shadowed effect, making the overall graphic look more realistic and allow it to be of a higher quality. I dotted different shades around the corner to again, create a more realistic effect. After I had completed the corners I expanded the frames to allow them to have a white pixelation round each frame. This way the frames stand out more, as they would be harder to pick out if I had simply kept the grey/black background. This was one of the problems I first encountered, but it was quite minor, and I was able to sort it out easily but adding the white border. The background goes well with the theme of my website, as it looks "scruffy" and therefore ties in really well with my genre. The background was difficult to create, I began using this image;

After deciding that the image appeared to be too light in contrast to my overall website, I decided to make a change to it, and therefore opened up the image in Paint Shop Pro, and simply colourized it to blend in with a darker contrast. The background now blends really well with the colour scheme for the iframes and I'm pleased with how well that worked. I went into Colours --> Negetive Image to gain this effect.

After the background had been changed I was able to incorporate it into my frames; giving my website outline this overall draft;

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