Monday 10 May 2010

ANCILLARY TASKS; final website.

This was my final website plan. I decided on abandoning the frame ideas, because I felt that they made the website seems slightly feminine. I therefore changed the frames to have only two sections, and also a banner above for the title. I used brushes in Paint Shop Pro to create my background, and really like the grungey effect that it gives the rest of the website. I decided to only use the background on the banner of the website as I didn't want to make it look over complicated, which I think I allowed to happen in my draft. The background seemed to drown out everything else about the website. I also perfer the font type uses on this website. It gives the impression of a retro/street theme which is the exact look I planned on attempting to create. I decided to create a collage and use photographs seeing as I didn't do that on my first draft. It's important for fans to be able to view their artist so as they can allow the artist to inspire themselves and also in order to idolise the artist, therefore capturing the target audience. I feel this website is alot more capable of doing that.This is the finished product.
This new version of the website seems to promote SwitchyB alot more.I feel it is alot more co-ordinated than the previous website, and I am really happy with my overall result. I particulary like the title "SwitchyB" I used Bolts SF as the font as I thought it was particulary appropriate as it gives the words a sense of electricity, which is something Switchy tries to promote within aspects of his music.

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