Monday, 10 May 2010

ANCILLARY TASKS; feedback from others.

In order to see that my ancillary tasks were up to scratch I posted my work on Facebook in the hope of gaining a mutual form of feedback, and also in the hope of someone giving me pointers and tips that I could possibly work on to make my work better. Following feedback included;
Jess Rose.
i love the colours you've used to create the website. they really relate to the theme of the site. perhaps the pictures could have a border or something round them though? just helpful advice :)xxxxx
I took Jess' advice on board and created a border for my pictures, I'm glad I got given this advice as it allows the pictures to look more professional and also allows them to stand out even more as the border highlights them.
Jordan Cody.
i perfer the website to the digipack thing. it does look a bit too much, but you've explained that that was the look you were going for, so it achieves that really well. the website is sweet, and like something you'd probably see online.
Colin Brown.
i like it. perhaps you could animate the pictures to create a slideshow or something too? would that help?
I considered doing a slideshow, but decided that with the animated title, it would look as though too much was going on, so I had decided to keep it as just photographs of Switchy.

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