Monday, 10 May 2010

EDITING MUSIC VIDEO; use of applemacs.

The programme we used whilst editing our video was "Final Cut Pro" on the Apple Mac systems. On plugging in the video camera with all our footage on, this screen is displayed.

To upload the footage, you press the "play" button on the video camera and then press the "capture" button. The "escape" key should be pressed when the amount of desired video footage has been captured.

The footage will then appear upon the left side of the monitor listed as "untitled" in order for you to name this file as appropriate. When double clicked, the footage appears in a small window next to it, which is shown in the screen shot above. To select individual parts of the footage you wish to use, then you use the marker icons that are at the bottom of the window that are seen to be slightly to the left to flag out a star and then finish the point of footage. The star should then be dragged onto a timeline at the bottom. There are also video transitions that are able to be selected on the left hand side of the screen. This is achieved by clicking on the effects tab and then selecting transitions.

This is the timeline. This is where the selected footage should be. You drag and drop your selected footage into the correct plac ein order to form your film. With some certain videos, you need to drag and drop onto the exact right place, in order for words to match actions, or for lip syncing to look good. In our video none of the actors/actresses were filming miming, thisn was because we thought that it would be difficult as miming needs to be done completely right in order to not look stupid.

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